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Philip Maini: Modelling collective cell motion


15:15-16:15 Colloquium lecture by Philip Maini in Room Oskar Klein, AlbaNova

16:15-16:30 SMC Excellent Theses Awards

16:30-17:00 SMC social get together with refreshments 


In many cases in biology, cells need to get from one place to another. I will consider two examples of this: (i) neural crest cell invasion, (ii) angiogenesis. In (i) I will show how the development of a simple hybrid cellular automaton model has resulted in the discovery of new biological insights to the mechanism of cell-cell communication and movement. In (ii) I will re-visit the well-known snail-trail PDE model for angiogenesis and consider a derivation of it through a master equation approach.

Titel Datum
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