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Master Class: Low dimensional dynamical systems

Stockholm, May 1–5, 2023


Overview: The aim of this workshop is to present three series of lectures on the topic of low dimensional dynamical systems:

  • Introduction to Pesin theory, given by Prof. Jana Rodriguez Hertz.
  • Renormalization techniques in low dimensional dynamics, given by Prof. Marco Martens.
  • KAM theory methods, given by Prof. Raphaël Krikorian.

The event is designed for young researchers: PhD students and young postdocs with background in dynamical systems.


  Mon 1/5 Tue 2/5 Wed 3/5 Thu 4/5 Fri 5/5
8:30 Registration - - - -
9:15-10:15 Rodriguez Hertz Martens Rodriguez Hertz Krikorian Rodriguez Hertz
10:45-11:45 Martens Krikorian Krikorian Rodriguez Hertz Martens
  Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
14:00-15:00 Krikorian Martens Krikorian Rodriguez Hertz Martens
15:30-16:30 - Exercise - Exercise Exercise
16:30 - - City walk in old town - -


Mon 1/5: Stockholm University Mathematics department

Tue 2/5: Lecture room L52 , KTH Campus (Metro: Tekniska Högskolan)

Wed 3/5: Lecture room L52 , KTH Campus (Metro: Tekniska Högskolan)

Thu 4/5: Stockholm University Mathematics department

Fri 5/5: Lecture room "Salongen" , KTH Campus (Metro: Tekniska Högskolan)

City walk in old town: The walk starts 16:30 (Wednesday) at the obelisk at Slottsbacken  (also called Gustav III:s obelisk; it is next to the royal palace). Click here to find it on the map . Probably easiest to take the metro to "Gamla stan"; then there is a walk through the old town to the obelisk.

How to get to SU Mathematics department: The easiest way to get to the Stockholm University math department is to take the 50 bus towards Lappkärrsberget from the Odenplan stop on the Stockholm subway's green line. You should get off at the Albano stop, the first stop after the big roundabout leaving town. Then, walk back towards town (ie with traffic moving towards you) with the new buildings on your left until you get to Roslagsvägen 30; this should take under 5 minutes. You'll see a pond that's under construction on your right, as well as a small marina across the highway.

As May 1st is a major public holiday in Sweden, the building will unfortunately be locked throughout the day. In order to access the department, please come to the entrance facing the highway with a blue sign saying Roslagsvägen 30, and we will let you in.

Registration and funding: To register, please fill in and submit the following application  by March 15, 2023. We have limited funding to cover lodging for the days of the workshop.

Contact: For questions about the workshop, please contact Liviana Palmisano (liviana "AT" kth.se)

Organizers: Kristian Bjerklöv (KTH), Danijela Damjanovic (KTH), Liviana Palmisano (KTH), Maria Saprykina (KTH), Alan Sola (SU)