Martin Karp: Neko: A spectral element framework for computational fluid dynamics
Time: Thu 2025-01-30 14.15 - 15.00
Location: KTH, 3721, Lindstedsvägen 25
Participating: Martin Karp (KTH)
This talk gives an overview of Neko, a spectral element framework for high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics. I will start by presenting the path and motivations that led us from solving the Poisson equation on one CPU core with Neko to carrying out simulations of turbulence on the largest supercomputers in Europe. The underlying methods will be covered, and a particular emphasis will be put on the performance-critical aspects of Neko. I will explain how some of these core features, such as matrix-free evaluations of the linear operators, enable us to efficiently utilize the available parallelism on current and upcoming computer systems. I will also highlight some of the large-scale simulations that have been enabled by Neko, including the simulation of a Flettner rotor in a turbulent shear flow. Finally, I will discuss some current directions of the Neko project as well as challenges and opportunities going forward.