Errol Yuksel: Toposes vs Localic Groupoids
Time: Wed 2024-04-10 11.00 - 12.00
Location: Albano house 1, floor 3, Room U (Kovalevsky)
Participating: Errol Yuksel (SU)
I will report on work in progress (joint with Ivan Di Liberti & Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine) aiming to unify the different representation theorems of toposes found in the literature.
A representation theorem is one that takes each topos E to a groupoid in the category of locales presenting E. I will introduce the notion of amorphous sheaves, these are particularly concrete objects: a locale and a sheaf over it satisfying some conditions. This definition relies on the notion of descent morphism for toposes, which will be briefly recalled.
I will then show that each amorphous sheaf generates a representation theorem. This is a relatively involved categorical construction so only the conceptually important steps will be sketched. For instance, some time will be spent to introduce an intermediate notion, that of a covering functor.
Time allowing, I will end by presenting a recognition principle for amorphous sheaves, which is based on the logical nature of toposes.