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Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine: Inverse diagram models of type theory

Time: Wed 2017-11-01 10.00 - 11.45

Location: Room 16, building 5 kräftriket, Department of Mathematics, Stockholm University

Participating: Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine (SU)

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*Homotopical inverse diagrams* provide a large class of models of type theory, including:

- spans / relations / basic pairs (cf. Tonnelli/Martin-Löf);
- span-equivalences (cf. PLL seminars from October 2015);
- infinite contexts / spreads (cf. Martin-Löf)
- semi-simplicial types (externally indexed).

Concretely, given any CwA (category with attributes) C and any inverse category I, there is a new CwA C^I, whose contexts consist of C-valued diagrams on I, and whose types are “Reedy types”, i.e. families of types from C in suitable contexts, together constituting a new diagram over I. Compared to general presheaf models, the index category is less general (since it must be an inverse category), but the range CwA is more general: the diagrams can be valued in any other model of type theory, not only in sets or similar categories.
If C carries at least identity types, and I is equipped with a class of “weak equivalences”, then C^I restricts to a submodel C^I_h of “homotopical inverse diagrams”, which again inherits much logical structure from C (though under slightly stronger assumptions than for C^I).
These models have both logical and homotopy-theoretic applications; I will discuss these briefly for motivation, but will mostly focus on the construction of the model itself, and on some open directions for possible generalisation.
(joint work with Chris Kapulkin)

- Chris Kapulkin, Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine, The homotopy theory of type theories,  — some examples of the construction (in Section 5), and our major motivating application (Section 6)

- Mike Shulman, Univalence for inverse diagrams and homotopy canonicity,  — a closely analogous construction, for type-theoretic fibration categories instead of CwA’s