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Kornélia Héra: Furstenberg-type estimates for unions of affine subspaces

Time: Thu 2017-11-16 15.00

Location: Institut Mittag-Leffler, Auravägen 17, Djursholm

Participating: Kornélia Héra, Eötvös Loránd University

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A compact plane set is a t-Furstenberg set for some t in (0,1), if it has an at least t-dimensional intersection with some line in each direction (here and in the sequel dimension refers to Hausdorff dimension). Classical results are that every t-Furstenberg set has dimension at least 2t, and at least t + 1/2.
We generalize these estimates for families of affine subspaces. As a result, we prove that the union of any s-dimensional family of k-dimensional affine subspaces is at least k + s/(k+1) -dimensional, and is exactly k + s -dimensional if s is at most 1.
Joint work with Tamás Keleti and András Máthé.