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Kristofer Lindensjö: Markovian randomized equilibria for stopping games

Time: Wed 2024-03-27 15.15 - 16.00

Location: Cramér room, Albano, house 1, floor 3

Participating: Kristofer Lindensjö (Stockholm University)

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 One of the most well-known results in classical game theory is that randomized strategies can facilitate the existence of Nash equilibria. This talk is about recent research regarding the role of randomized strategies for stopping games based on Markov processes. In particular, we are interested in defining Markovian randomized stopping strategies that allow for equilibrium existence as well as characterization similar to how non-randomized solutions to Markovian stopping problems can be characterized using e.g., variational inequalities (continuous time) and Wald-Bellman equations (discrete time). Based on joint works with Andi Bodnariu (Stockholm), Berenice Neumann (Trier), and Sören Christensen (Kiel).