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PhD course: Quantum Mechanics for Mathematicians

Time: Wed 2024-01-17 09.00 - 11.00

Location: Cramer room, Albano hus 1

Participating: Pavel Kurasov (SU)

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The aim of the course is to provide a comprehensive introduction to Quantum Mechanics for mathematically oriented students. The course will be interesting for PhD students in Mathematics aiming to learn some modern physics as well as for students in Physics, who want to learn a more rigorous approach to quantum theory.

We are going to adopt approach to quantum mechanics that goes back to Dirac and was further developed by Ludvig Faddeev (in his book with Yakubovskii) that classical mechanics and quantum mechanics are just two different realisations of the fundamental mathematical structure of a physical theory.

To attend the course it is enough to know standard undergraduate mathematical curriculum, no deep knowledge of classical mechanics is required.

Recommended literature

  • L.D.Faddeev, O.A.Yakubovskii, Lectures on Quantum Mechanics for Mathematics Students, AMS 2009
  • Leon A. Takhtajan, Quantum Mechanics for Mathematicians, AMS 2010

If you are  interested in the course, please contact Pavel Kurasov ( The course schedule will be adjusted to the wishes of the participants.