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Cluster Algebras (graduate course)

Time: Mon 2015-09-07 10.15 - 12.00

Location: Room 16, building 5, Kräftriket, SU.

Participating: Michael Shapiro

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Michael Shapiro is visiting September-October and will give a PhD course
on Cluster Algebras.

Tentative schedule

Mondays 10:15-12:00
Thursdays 10:15-12:00

Room 16, building 5, Kräftriket, SU.

First lecture: Monday, September 7.
Final lecture: Thursday, October 15.

Course description

The theory of cluster algebras was introduced in 2001 by Sergey Fomin
and Andrei Zelevinsky in the effort to understand a famous
representation theory construction of Lusztig-Kashiwara dual canonical
bases. The theory of cluster algebras offers a fresh approach to some of
the natural problems in mathematics and mathematical physics, more
elementary and "down-to-earth" than many other existing approaches.

The rapid development of the cluster algebra theory in recent years
revealed relations between cluster algebras and a variety of areas
including, among others, commutative and non-commutative algebraic
geometry, quiver representations and Teichmuller theory. Important
examples of cluster structures include simple Lie groups, homogeneous
spaces, configuration spaces of points, and are related to discrete and
continuous integrable systems.

The course will be devoted to the fast growing area on the intersection
of cluster algebras theory and integrable systems, and interactions of
these with other areas of mathematics and theoretical physics. The
course will be fully accessible to graduate students and non-specialists
interested in the topic.

Course homepage