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Kristian Seip: Analysis on polydiscs

Time: Wed 2013-11-27 14.15 - 16.15

Location: Oskar Klein auditorium, Albanova

Participating: Kristian Seip, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim

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14:15-15:00: Precolloquium for PhD and master students by Aron Wennman
15:15-16:15: Colloquium lecture by Kristian Seip
16:15-17:00: Coffee and SMC social get-together.

Abstract (Colloquium) 

Rudin's classic treatise "Function Theory in Polydiscs" (1969) studies complex analysis on polydiscs starting from the following question: How much of our extremely detailed knowledge about holomorphic functions in the unit disc can be carried over to an analogous situation in several variables, namely to polydiscs? A different perspective comes from the work of H. Bohr and Bohnenblust--Hille several decades earlier; here the main issue is function theory in the infinite-dimensional polydisc or, more precisely, estimates in finite-dimensional polydiscs that are independent of the dimension. I will discuss some examples, old and new, of what these different viewpoints have led to, as well as connections to other areas.