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Joakim Brådman: En Geometrisk Odyssé på Sfären

Degree project for teachers

Time: Wed 2024-02-07 09.30 - 10.30

Location: Albano, Cramér room

Respondent: Joakim Brådman

Supervisor: Salvador Rodriguez-Lopez

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Spherical geometry, an inseparable companion for adventurous sailors and meticulous astronomers throughout history, has been fundamental in comprehending and navigating the intricate realm of spherical surfaces. Despite its prominence yielding to planar geometry in the latter half of the 20th century, its significance remains robust and timeless. This essay delves into spherical geometry by providing a concise historical overview, presenting foundational theorems with accompanying proofs, and concluding with practical examples that illuminate applications in navigation and astronomy. My research is inspired by two prominent works: Textbook on Spherical Astronomy" authored by W.M Smart and "Heavenly Mathematics" written by Glen Van Brummelen. By melding theoretical insights with practical applications, this essay showcases the relevance and utility of spherical geometry for today’s and tomorrow’s adventurers and researchers.