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Hadrien Espic: Intrinsic formality of the little discs operads

Time: Tue 2017-01-10 13.15 - 15.15

Location: Room 306, House 6, Kräftriket, Department of Mathematics, Stockholm University

Participating: Hadrien Espic

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Abstract: I will talk about the proof given by Benoit Fresse and Thomas Willwacher of an intrinsic formality result for the operad \(D_n\) where n is greater than 3. I will start by introducing the relevant objects and structures. The proof itself then involves using an operadic version of the Sullivan adjunction from rational homotopy and studying a bicosimplicial complex capturing the obstruction to intrinsic formality. Proving intrinsic formality can then be reduced to showing that a certain graph complex has trivial homology in degree -1.