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Anders Mogren: Pailliers kryptosystem - en exposé

Bachelor Thesis

Time: Thu 2024-02-08 15.00 - 16.00

Location: Mötesrum 9 (Albano, SU)

Respondent: Anders Mogren

Supervisor: Jonas Bergström

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In this bachelor’s thesis, Paillier’s encryption system is described—an asymmetric encryption method with applications in secure data management and homomorphic encryption, among other areas. The paper provides a historical overview and presents the theoretical and mathematical background of the encryption system. The underlying mathematical problem is addressed, accompanied by a fairly comprehensive description of the mathematical group in which the system is primarily used.

The results emphasize the strengths of Paillier’s cryptosystem and highlight its vulnerabilities and limitations. There is a brief discussion on system performance, shortcomings, and advantages compared to other encryption methods.