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Barbara Giunti: Projective and cofibrant constructions for tame functors

Time: Tue 2024-05-21 10.15

Location: KTH 3418, Lindstedtsvägen 25 and Zoom

Video link: Meeting ID: 632 2469 3290

Participating: Barbara Giunti (New York State University at Albany)

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 In this seminar, I will present the article “Abelian and model structures on tame functors” [], by Wojciech Chachólski, Claudia Landi, Francesca Tombari, and myself. The goal is to break down the key results of the paper for an audience of non-necessarily experts.

In detail, I will discuss certain circumstances in which the category of tame functors inherits an abelian category structure with minimal resolutions and a model category structure with minimal cofibrant replacements, with some examples realizing these circumstances. Moreover, with some additional hypotheses, I will also show a structure theorem for cofibrant objects. If time permits, I will conclude with a general technique to generate indecomposable objects in the abelian category of functors indexed by finite posets.

Some familiarity with basic notions in category theory (such as category, functor, and natural transformation) is helpful, but I will not assume more technical knowledge from the audience.