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Ambrus Pal: Simplicial homotopy theory of algebraic varieties over real closed fields

Time: Tue 2017-04-18 15.00 - 16.00

Location: Institut Mittag-Leffler, Auravägen 17, Djursholm

Participating: Ambrus Pal, Imperial College London

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Coffee: 14:30-15:00
Abstract: First I will introduce the homotopy type of the simplicial set of continuous definable simplexes of an algebraic variety defined over a real closed field, which I call the real homotopy type. Then I will talk about the analogue of the theorems of Artin-Mazur and Cox comparing the real homotopy type with the étale homotopy type, as well as an analogue of Sullivan's conjecture which together imply a homotopy version of Grothendieck's section conjecture. As an application I show that for example for rationally connected varieties over any real closed fields the map from connected components of points to homotopy fixed points is a bijection.