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Irakli Patchkoria: Rigidity in equivariant stable homotopy theory

Irakli Patchkoria, Copenhagen

Time: Wed 2013-11-20 13.15 - 15.00

Location: Room 3418, Institutionen för matematik, KTH

Subject area: Algebra and Geometry Seminar

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For any finite group G, we show that the 2-local G -equivariant stable homotopy category, indexed on a complete G-universe, has a unique equivariant model in the sense of Quillen model categories. This means that the suspension functor, homotopy cofiber sequences and the stable Burnside category determine all "higher order structure" of the 2-local G-equivariant stable homotopy category, such as the equivariant homotopy types of function G-spaces. The theorem can be seen as an equivariant version of Schwede's rigidity theorem at the prime 2.
Belongs to: Stockholm Mathematics Centre
Last changed: Mar 14, 2017