Alexis Aumonier: Moduli of embedded hypersurfaces
Time: Tue 2023-01-10 13.15 - 14.15
Location: Albano, Cramer room
Participating: Alexis Aumonier (Copenhagen)
What is the cohomology of the space of smooth hypersurfaces embedded inside a given projective complex variety? As a first step, one can restrict the family of hypersurfaces in two ways: either fixing the linear equivalence class, or fixing the Chern class of the hypersurfaces. I will explain how to partially answer the question in the first case using tools from algebraic topology. The second case is part of ongoing work which I will also outline. A main idea is to "scan" the parameter space of hypersurfaces and compare it to an associated continuous section space. In the case of curves, where a hypersurface is a configuration of points, this recovers a result of McDuff.