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Aaron Potechin: A nearly tight sum-of-squares lower bound for the planted clique problem

Time: Mon 2017-03-13 12.00

Location: Room 4523, Lindstedtsvägen 5, KTH CSC

Participating: Aaron Potechin, Institute for Advanced Study

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Lunch is served at 12:00 noon (register at this doodle   at the latest by the Saturday before, but preferably earlier). The presentation starts at 12:10 pm and ends at 1 pm. Those of us who wish reconvene after a short break for 1½-2 hours of more technical discussions.


The sum of squares (SoS) hierarchy, a method for deciding the feasibility of polynomial equations over the reals, is an exciting frontier of complexity theory. SoS is exciting because it can be applied to a wide variety of combinatorial optimization problems and is in fact conjectured to be optimal for many important problems. However, its performance is only partially understood.

In this talk, I will describe recent work proving sum of squares lower bounds for the planted clique problem, a classic average case problem. In the first part of the talk, I will describe the sum of squares hierarchy, planted clique, and pseudo-calibration, a key idea for the lower bound. In the second part of the talk, I will describe the main technical ideas needed in the proof.