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Sandra Rahal: Introduction to nested radicals

Tid: Ti 2017-05-30 kl 09.00 - 10.00

Plats: Room 22, house 5, Kräftriket, Department of Mathematics, Stockholm University

Medverkande: Sandra Rahal (Bsc student)

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The study of nested radicals do not date back very long in history. Although those were encountered early on as in Viète’s definition of π, they have not been studied for their own sake until the 1800s by Galois or even early 1900s by Ramanujan. The denesting of nested radicals differs a lot between finite and infinite radicals. This paper will show an overall image of what nested radicals are and how to denest those. We will show a relatively broad spectrum of nestedradicals which can offer the reader a general view of the topic.