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Robin Stoll: A rational model for the fiberwise THH-transfer

Tid: To 2024-11-21 kl 11.00 - 12.00

Plats: Kovalevsky room, SU

Medverkande: Robin Stoll (Cambridge)

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I will report on work in progress joint with Florian Naef and Nils Prigge in which we produce, for a map \(f\) of spaces over a space \(B\) such that \(f\) has compact fibers, a rational model for the fiberwise transfer of fiberwise THH, considered as a map of parametrized spectra over \(B\). It is constructed in terms of a \(C_\infty\)-model for the map \(f\). I will also indicate which consequences this might have for graph complex classes in the rational cohomology of classifying spaces of certain manifolds.