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Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine: The zoo of realisability

Tid: On 2024-11-27 kl 10.00 - 12.00

Plats: Albano house 1, floor 3, Room U (Kovalevsky)

Medverkande: Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine

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Compared to the relatively orderly garden of, say, sheaf models, realisability interpretations of logic — introduced by Kleene in 1945 to expose the computational content of first-order arithmetic — are, in several respects, a bit of a zoo. They can be presented via a variety of underlying approaches; they interpret an equally diverse range of formal systems; and they can host a wide variety of surprising phenomena, including counterexamples to many classical theorems — the reals can be countable! limit ordinals can be chain-complete! small categories can be complete!

I will give an introduction to and survey of realisability models, starting elementarily before moving to a modern categorical framework, and presenting a brief tour of the startling phenomena they can exhibit.