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Charles Weibel: The K-theory of toric varieties in mixed characteristic

Tid: Ti 2017-01-31 kl 15.00 - 16.00

Plats: Institut Mittag-Leffler, Auravägen 17, Djursholm

Medverkande: Charles Weibel, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

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Coffee: 14:30-15:00

This is joint work with Cortinas, Haesemeyer and Walker.
Abstract: Let k be a regular ring and X a toric variety over k (locally Spec of R[M], where M is a submonoid of \(Z^n\)). A dilation of M by a constant c is an endomorphism sending m to c.m; dilations of X are analogous. If \(C=(c_1, ...)\) is a sequence of constants >1, we show that the direct limit along C of the \(K_*(X)\) is \(KH_*(X)\), and the direct limit of the \(K_*(k[M])\) is \(K_*(k)\).  (This was conjectured by Gubeladze, and already known when k contains a field.)