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Mats Boij: The Weak Lefschetz Property for artinian Gorenstein algebras

Mats Boij, KTH

Tid: On 2013-09-04 kl 13.15 - 14.15

Plats: Room 306, Kräftriket, SU

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Recall that a graded artinian algebra has the Weak Lefschetz Property (WLP) if the multiplication maps by a general linear form all have maximal rank. I will review what is known about the WLP for artinian Gorenstein algebras. In recent work together with Migliore, Miró-Roig , Nagel and Zanello, we studied in particular the case of artinian Gorenstein algebras of codimension three. These studies lead to some interesting connections to projective geometry, which I will also describe.

Tillhör: Stockholms Matematikcentrum
Senast ändrad: 2017-03-14