SMC kollokvium
Fr 1 januari - Fr 31 december
SMC kollokvium
onsdag 2021-06-02, 15.15 - 16.15
Medverkande: Paul Wiegmann, University of Chicago
Plats: Zoom
2021-06-02T15:15:00.000+02:00 2021-06-02T16:15:00.000+02:00 Paul Wiegmann: Almost Mathieu equation and representation theory: does it help to understand singular continuous spectrum? (SMC kollokvium) Zoom (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)Paul Wiegmann: Almost Mathieu equation and representation theory: does it help to understand singular continuous spectrum? (SMC kollokvium) -
SMC kollokvium
onsdag 2021-11-03, 15.15 - 17.00
Medverkande: Maria Yakerson (ETH Zurich)
Plats: Albanova, FD5 (also Zoom, meeting ID 625 9883 0334)
2021-11-03T15:15:00.000+01:00 2021-11-03T17:00:00.000+01:00 Maria Yakerson: The beauty of the beast: the Hilbert scheme of infinite affine space (SMC kollokvium) Albanova, FD5 (also Zoom, meeting ID 625 9883 0334) (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)Maria Yakerson: The beauty of the beast: the Hilbert scheme of infinite affine space (SMC kollokvium)