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Pelle Andersson: Tensor rank and support rank in the context of algebraic complexity theory

Tid: Må 2024-01-08 kl 14.00 - 15.00

Plats: Seminar room 3418, KTH

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Starting with the work of Volker Strassen, algorithms for matrix multiplication have been developed which are time complexity-wise more efficient than the standard algorithm from the definition of multiplication. The general method of the developments has been viewing the bilinear mapping that matrix multiplication is as a three-dimensional tensor, where there is an exact correspondence between time complexity of the multiplication algorithm and tensor rank. The latter can be seen as a generalisation of matrix rank, being the minimum number of terms a tensor can be decomposed as. However, in contrast to matrix rank there is no general method of computing tensor ranks, with many values being unknown for important three-dimensional tensors. To further improve the theoretical bounds of the time complexity of matrix multiplication, support rank of tensors has been introduced, which is the lowest rank of tensors with the same support in some basis. The goal of this master's thesis has been to go through the history of faster matrix multiplication, as well as specifically examining the properties of support rank for general tensors. In regards to the latter, a complete classification of rank structures of support classes is made for the smallest non-degenerate tensor product space in three dimensions. From this, the size of a support can be seen affecting the pool of possible ranks within a support class. At the same time, there is in general no symmetry with regards to support size occurring in the rank structures of the support classes, despite there existing a symmetry and bijection between mirrored supports. Discussions about how to classify support rank structures for larger tensor product spaces are also included.