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Ludvig Nyman: Kernels of maps between subsets of quotient rings

Bachelor Thesis

Tid: Fr 2024-02-09 kl 13.00 - 14.00

Plats: Mötesrum 9 (Albano, SU)

Respondent: Ludvig Nyman

Handledare: Samuel Lundqvist

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This paper explores polynomial quotient rings with monomial ideals. Special interest is taken in the kernels for maps between sets of degree \(d\) and \(d+1\) where \(d\) maximises the value of the Hilbert function. The two classes of ideals that are covered in detail are those on the form \(I = \langle x_1^d, x_2^d, x_3^d, x_1^{d/2} x_2^{d/2} \rangle\) for \(d = 2 + 6n\) as well as \(I = \langle x_1^2, x_2^2, \dots, x_n^2 \rangle\) with a new result regarding the vector basis of the kernel for the latter. Minor results regarding a formula for the Hilbert function and it’s maximum value for the first class of ideals are also discussed and proven.