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Dan Petersen: Admissible covers, modular operads and modular forms

Tid: To 2011-12-01 kl 14.00

Plats: Room 3721, Lindstedtsvägen 25, 7th floor, Department of Mathematics, KTH

Ämnesområde: Algebraic geometry

Licentiand: Dan Petersen

Granskare: Alessandro Chiodo, Institut Fourier, Université Grenoble

Huvudhandledare: Carel Faber, KTH

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This thesis contains three articles related to operads and moduli spaces of admissible covers of curves. In Paper A we isolate cohomology classes coming from modular forms inside a certain space of admissible covers, thereby showing that this moduli space can be used as a substitute for a Kuga–Sato variety. Paper B contains a combinatorial proof of Ezra Getzler’s semiclassical approximation for modular operads, and a proof of a formula needed in Paper A. In Paper C we explain in what sense spaces of admissible covers form a modular operad, by introducing the notion of an operad colored by a groupoid.