Charlie Dworaczek Guera: The sinh-model: Quantum separation of variables and Lukyanov’s conjecture
Tid: On 2024-10-30 kl 11.00 - 12.00
Plats: Zoom
Videolänk: Meeting ID: 921 756 1880
Medverkande: Charlie Dworaczek Guera, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
The quantum separation of variables method developed by Sklyanin in 1985 serves as an alternative to Algebraic Bethe Ansatz which doesn’t apply to quantum integrable models without so-called pseudo-vacuum state such as the quantum Toda chain. This method allows to express some quantities of interests of these models (spectrum, eigenstates, matrix elements…) as \(N\)-fold multiple integrals (or at least some of its building blocks) for which one would be interested in obtaining the \(N\)-asymptotic expansion. These integrals are similar to the partition functions of β-ensembles with non-varying weights (without a scaling in \(N\) for the potential) and with a log sinh interaction instead of a log interaction. Due to these features, the study of these integrals is highly technical and were studied partly in [Borot, Guionnet, Kozlowski 16’] and [D-G, Kozlowski 24’]. I will present the model in this talk and demonstrate how a biorthogonal approach can contribute to a progress on Lukyanov’s conjecture about sinh-Gordon QFT. This is a joint work with Karol K. Kozlowski.