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Björn Winckler: Rigidity in low-dimensional dynamics

Tid: On 2017-01-25 kl 10.30

Plats: oom 306, building 6, Kräftriket, Department of Mathematics, Stockholm University

Medverkande: Björn Winckler (Stony Brook, US)

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Rigidity is a central topic in dynamics.  Within the context of this talk rigidity states that two topologically conjugate maps are in fact smoothly conjugate on their attractors.  The topology of maps determine their geometry.

It has long been expected that rigidity should hold for one-dimensional maps of sufficient smoothness and of bounded combinatorics.  In this talk I will explain the rigidity phenomenon and discuss recent results showing that surprisingly there are natural classes of maps on the interval where rigidity fails, despite being analytic and having bounded combinatorics.

The talk will be at an expository level.  No previous familiarity with one-dimensional dynamics will be assumed.