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Bergrun Tinna Magnusdottir: Optimal designs for finding the single best dose of a drug

Tid: On 2013-12-04 kl 13.00 - 14.00

Plats: Room B705, Department of statistics, Stockholm university

Medverkande: Bergrun Tinna Magnusdottir, Department of Statistics, SU

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In this presentation we explore how to optimally design dose finding studies when the aim of the study is to find the best dose with respect to both efficacy and safety. The focus is on a primary efficacy and a primary safety variable modeled with a bivariate Emax model. Locally c-optimal designs will be provided where the aim is to find the dose that maximizes patient’s utility (The Clinical Utility Index, CUI). We discuss how correlation between the two primary variables influences the optimal designs and discuss why some of our designs consist of only two design points when we have up to four model parameters.