Overall description
Stockholm Mathematics Centre (SMC) is led by the management who ensures its effectiveness. The management is led by the board, director, vice director and the administrative support. Its most important task is to ensure that the activities supported by the SMC are driven by the needs of the mathematical departments in Stockholm.
Board of directors
The board is responsible for the overall strategic direction for achieving SMC's goals. Board members must act as ambassadors for SMC and are expected to continuously evaluate potential strategic partnerships, both within and outside Sweden, and within and outside the mathematical departments at SU and KTH.
The following persons consists of the chairman and the members of the board:
- Chairman: Professor Tom Britton (SU)
- Professor Kristian Bjerklöv (KTH)
- Professor Mats Boij (KTH)
- Associate professor Johannes Heiny (SU)
- Associate professor Sigrid Källblad Nordin (KTH)
- Professor Annemarie Luger (SU)
- Professor Joanna Tyrcha (SU)
- PhD representative Nils Hemmingsson (SU)
- Student representative Felix Almay (SU/KTH)
The board may be contacted at .
Director and vice director
The director, together with the vice director, functions as a link between the board and the rest of SMC. The director reports to the board and is responsible, together with the vice director, for SMC's daily activities. They are also responsible for the content of SMC's website (please send comments and suggestions regarding the website via e-mail).
The director is David Rydh (KTH) and vice director is Alan Sola (SU).
Administrative support
The administrative support ensures that SMC's activities are carried out effectively.
The administrative support currently consists of Neshat Lindberg (SU, accounting) and Ronno Das (SU, calendar).