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Master's Thesis

Your master's thesis (also called degree project) is the culmination and pinnacle of the program. Think about what area you want to write a thesis in already at an early stage, as this may influence your choice of courses. Most students write their thesis in their last semester.

Goal, contents and plan

The purpose of the thesis project is for you to demonstrate the ability to perform independent project work, using and developing the skills obtained from the courses in the programme.


At least 60 credits on the advanced level must be earned before starting the master's thesis. Also, we strongly recommend that you have successfully completed the courses in the mandatory block.


The master's project is a 30 ECTS credit course, i.e., approximately five months of full time work


You will write your master's thesis at one of the two participating institutions. The rules and procedures are (slightly) different. 

Most projects are carried out at one of the mathematics departments. But it is also possible to do a project at a company or other external institutions or authorities, or at a university abroad.

Available projects

It is recommended to start the search well ahead of time. It is your responsibility to approach possible supervisors and discuss possible thesis projects with them. If your supervisor is employed by SU, you will do your degree project at SU, and similarly for KTH. If you have trouble finding a suitable project, see one of the programme directors. We do not provide a list of ready-to-go projects, as the choice of thesis topic is a very individual one.