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Viviane Baladi: Analytical tools for dynamics with singularities, including Sinai billiards

Tid: On 2017-11-29 kl 15.15 - 16.15

Föreläsare: Viviane Baladi, Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu - Paris Rive Gauche, France

Plats: Oskar Klein, Albanova


14:00-15:00 Precolloquium by Gerard Farré Puigallí (Room FB55, AlbaNova)

15:15-16:15 Colloquium lecture by Viviane Baladi (Room Oskar Klein, AlbaNova)

16:15-17:00 SMC social get together with refreshments 


In the past 15 years, tools from analysis, in particular new Banach spaces of anisotropic distributions on manifolds, have allowed substantial progress in dynamical systems.

After briefly explaining how a spectral gap for a transfer operator furnishes ergodic information, I shall focus on Sinai billiards maps and flows. These natural but technically challenging systems are uniformly hyperbolic and volume preserving - however grazing orbits give rise to singularities. New analytic tools allowed us (with M. Demers and C. Liverani) to obtain exponential mixing for the natural volume and finite horizon Sinai billiard flows. More recently (with M. Demers), we constructed the measure of maximal entropy for the billiard map. I will try to compare the two results (without entering in too much technical details!).

Title Date
Viviane Baladi: Analytical tools for dynamics with singularities, including Sinai billiards Nov 29, 2017
Gerard van der Geer Sep 27, 2017
János Pach Jun 07, 2017
Alicia Dickenstein Apr 05, 2017
Arno Kuijlaars: Universality in random matrix theory Feb 25, 2017