Logic Colloquium 2017, August 14-20

The event
The Logic Colloquium 2017 is the 2017 annual European summer meeting of the Association of Symbolic Logic (ASL) and will be held during August 14–20, 2017 at the main campus of Stockholm University. Logic Colloquium 2017 poster (pdf 792 kB) / high resolution (pdf 2.7 MB)
The Logic Colloquium 2017 is organised and hosted jointly by the Departments of Mathematics and Philosophy at Stockholm University and also supported by the KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
It will be co-located with the Third Logic Summer School 2017 and the 26th Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Science Logic CSL 2017 .
Current news and further information about activities of the Association for Symbolic Logic can be found in the ASL newsletters here .
Colloquium programme book (pdf 2.4 MB) / EasyChair programme
Important dates
- Main event: August 14–19, 2017
- Joint session with CSL 2017: August 20, 2017
- Abstracts: May 5, 2017
- Notification: May 19, 2017
Grant applications
- Application deadline: May 8, 2017
Registration deadlines
- Early registration: June 9, 2017
- Late registration: August 1, 2017
The early registration fee, for students and participants from developing countries, is 1400 SEK per participant, including VAT (approx. 140 Euros), and includes coffee breaks and conference materials. For all others the early registration fee is 2200 SEK, including VAT. Late registration is 2800 SEK for regular fee participants, and 2000 SEK for reduced fee participants. A discuount of 500 SEK applies if registering for both LC 2017 and CSL 2017.
Logic in Stockholm 2017 Online Registration [external site]
The registration fee does not cover accommodation, but there will be special offers available at hostels and hotels (in the range 700–1200 SEK/night for single rooms). Full accommodation information
[Note: some announcements mistakenly listed the early registration fee as 2000 SEK.]
Abstracts of contributed talks must be submitted as pdf files via EasyChair , prepared according to the ASL instructions here . (If you do not have an EasyChair account yet, you can create one at the submission site.)
Please enter Title and Abstract as plain text. As the first keyword, put the AMS 2010 classification: 03xxx
The deadline for abstract submission is May 5, 2017.
Abstracts of contributed talks submitted by ASL members and prepared according to the ASL Rules for Abstracts will be published in The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic.
Upon notification of acceptance, authors will be requested to submit the .tex source files.
Grant applications
Please see the instructions for grant applications (txt 2 kB) .
Location and venue
The conference will take place in Stockholm, Sweden, at Frescati campus, the main campus of Stockholm University. More details and maps.
Social programme
Monday 14 August, 19:00–21:00: Welcome reception in Stockholm City Hall ( map ; website ). (Note: limited to 250 participants and registration before Sunday 30 July.)
Wednesday 16 August: Excursion, two alternatives:
- Guided boat tour around Stockholm archipelago, 14:00–c.17:00, light meal (snacks) included. Departs from Strömma Kanalbolaget, Nybrohamnen 4 . Price: 500 SEK/person
- Guided tour at Skansen, 14:00–15:00 ( map ; website ). The world's first open air museum, located in the center of Stockholm on the beautiful Djurgården. It's particularly beautiful in the summer. During the visit you may explore Swedish traditions and culture, and see the animals at the Nordic zoo. There are plenty of restaurants at Skansen. You may also bring your own picnic. Price: 180 SEK/person, meals not included; tour meets outside Skansen main gates.
Thursday 17 August: Conference dinner, 19:00–23:00, Fjärilshuset, Haga Trädgard (700 SEK/person). There will be chartered buses from Frescati to Fjärilshuset after the last session of the day, and also for returning to the city after the dinner.
Book exhibition
LC 2017 will host a book exhibition, by the main registration desk. The following publishers have kindly agreed to participate:
- Cambridge University Press
- College Publications
- Oxford University Press
- Springer
- World Scientific (also with discounts and free access available here for conference participants)
The co-chairs of the Organizing committee of CSL’2017 are Valentin Goranko (SU) and Erik Palmgren (SU) . The programme chair of LC’2017 is Mirna Džamonja .
Enquiries on scientific matters should be sent to her, and on organisational matters, to lc2017 [at] philosophy.su.se .