Computer Science Logic 2017, August 20-24

The event
Computer Science Logic (CSL) is the annual conference of the European Association for Computer Science Logic (EACSL) . It is an interdisciplinary conference, spanning across both basic and application oriented research in mathematical logic and computer science. CSL 2017 poster (pdf 640 kB) / high resolution (pdf 2.8 MB) .
CSL 2017 will be the 26th edition in the series. It will be co-organised by Stockholm University (SU) and KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, and will be colocated with the Logic Colloquium 2017 (August 14–20, 2017) organised at Stockholm University.
Important Dates
- Abstracts of regular papers: March 24, 2017
- Regular papers: March 31, 2017
- Abstracts of short presentations: June 4, 2017
- Regular papers: May 31, 2017
- Short presentations: June 14, 2017
- Joint LC/CSL special session: August 20, 2017
- Main conference: August 20–24, 2017
- Satellite workshops: August 16–19 & 25, 2017
Registration deadlines
- Early registration: June 20, 2017
- Late registration: August 8, 2017
The early registration fee, for students and participants from developing countries, is 1800 SEK per participant, including VAT (approx. 190 Euros), and includes coffee breaks and conference materials. For all others the early registration fee is 2800 SEK, including VAT. Late registration is 3400 SEK for regular fee participants, and 2400 SEK for reduced fee participants. A discuount of 500 SEK applies if registering for both LC 2017 and CSL 2017.
Logic in Stockholm 2017 Online Registration [external site]
The CSL2017 conference proceedings will be published in Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) .
Authors are invited to submit contributed papers of no more than 15 pages in LIPIcs style (including references), presenting previously not published work fitting the scope of the conference.
The submission of contributed papers will be in two stages:
- abstracts, due by March 24, 2017 (AoE);
- full papers, due by March 31, 2017 (AoE).
The submissions must be done via the EasyChair page for the conference .
Submitted papers must be in English and must provide sufficient detail to allow the Programme Committee to assess the merits of the paper. Full proofs may appear in a clearly marked technical appendix which will be read at the reviewers' discretion. Authors are strongly encouraged to include a well written introduction which is directed at all members of the PC.
Papers may not be submitted concurrently to another conference with refereed proceedings. The PC chairs should be informed of closely related work submitted to a conference or a journal. Papers authored or co-authored by members of the PC are not allowed.
Abstracts for short oral presentations must be submitted through the Easychair submission webpage, under the category “short presentations”, by June 4, 2017. They will not be included in the proceedings.
Selected papers will be invited to a special issue of the online open access journal Logical Methods in Computer Science, .
Special sessions
In addition to the plenary and contributed talks CSL 2017, the conference will also include the following special sessions:
- Joint session of CSL 2017 and LC 2017 in the morning of August 20, consisting of four plenary highlight talks, offered by speakers from both conferences,
- Presentation of the Alonzo Church award for Outstanding Contributions to Logic and Computation,
- Presentation of the EACSL Ackermann award for Outstanding Dissertation on Logic in Computer Science.
Social programme
Monday 21 August, 18:30–20:30: Welcome reception in Stockholm City Hall (Stadshuset). (Note: limited to 100 participants and registration before Sunday 6 August.)
Wednesday 23 August: Excursion, two alternatives:
- Guided boat tour around Stockholm archipelago, 16:00–c.19:00, light meal (snacks) included. Departs from Strömma Kanalbolaget, Nybrohamnen 4 .
- Guided tour of the Vasa museum, 16:00–17:00, one of Stockholm’s most-visisted attractions. Location: Vasamuseet, Galärvarvsvägen 14 .
Wednesday 23 August: Conference dinner, 19:30–23:30, Högloftet, Skansen .
Location and venue
The conference will take place during August 20–24, 2017 in Stockholm, Sweden. The venue will be in Frescati campus, the main campus of Stockholm University, see description and campus maps here and here .
More information can be found on our main page Logic in Stockholm 2017.
Book exhibition
CSL 2017 will host a book exhibition, located by the main registration desk. The following publishers have kindly agreed to participate:
- Cambridge University Press
- College Publications
- Oxford University Press
- Springer
- World Scientific (also with discounts and free access available here for conference participants)
The co-chairs of the Organizing committee of CSL 2017 are Mads Dam (KTH) , Valentin Goranko (SU) and Erik Palmgren (SU) . The programme co-chairs of CSL 2017 are Mads Dam and Valentin Goranko. For enquiries on both scientific and organisational matters, send email to csl2017pc <at> .