Nordic Logic Summer School 2017, August 7-11

The event
The third Nordic Logic Summer School is arranged under the auspices of the Scandinavian Logic Society . The two previous schools were organized in Nordfjordeid, Norway (2013) and Helsinki (2015). The intended audience is advanced master students, PhD-students, postdocs and experienced researchers wishing to learn the state of the art in a particular subject. It will be held between August 7th and 11th. NLS 2017 poster (pdf 762 kB) / high resolution (pdf 2.9 MB) .
The school will consist of 10 five hour courses, running in two parallel streams. In addition there will be student presentations and poster sessions.
The following lecturers and course topics are confirmed.
- Mirna Džamonja (U East Anglia)
Set Theory: Forcing methods at the successor of a singular cardinal - Martín Escardó (Birmingham)
Topological and Constructive Aspects of Higher-Order Computation - Henrik Forssell (Oslo)
Categorical Logic - Volker Halbach (Oxford)
Truth and Paradox - Larry Moss (Indiana University, Bloomington)
Natural Logic - Anca Muscholl (LaBRI, Université Bordeaux)
Logic in Computer Science – Control and Synthesis, from a Distributed Perspective - Eric Pacuit (U Maryland)
Logic and Probabilistic Models of Belief Change - Peter Pagin and Dag Westerståhl (Stockholm U)
Compositionality - Sara L. Uckelman (Durham)
Introduction to Logic in the Middle Ages - Andreas Weiermann (Ghent)
Proof Theory
Logic in Stockholm 2017 Online Registration [external site]
Registration deadlines
- Early registration: May 15, 2017
- Late registration: August 4, 2017
Submission of abstracts for presentations and posters
- Opening: March 6, 2017
- Closing: May 2, 2017
- Notification of acceptance: May 9, 2017
The early registration fee, for students and participants from developing countries, is 2000 SEK including VAT (approx. 200 Euros) per participant, and includes coffee breaks and conference materials. For all others the early registration fee is 2600 SEK including VAT. Late registration is 3200 SEK for all. Some participation-fee grants may be available.
The registration fee does not cover accommodation, but there will be special offers at hostels and hotels (in the range 700 -1200 SEK/night for single rooms) available when the registration opens.
Grant applications
The deadline (April 24) is passed; grant applications are now closed. Original instructions. (txt 2 kB)
Special Offer for Accommodation
The special offer for accommodation is now closed (following the deadline of May 15).
Inexpensive accommodation is available via the Stockholm University Housing Office, for seven nights from 6 August. The cost will be around 350 SEK (c.36€) per person per night, in studio apartments shared by two people. The price includes blanket, pillow, bedsheets and toilet paper but does not include towels (guests must bring their own towel).
The apartments are equipped with bunk beds and a small kitchen and are located in central Stockholm at Idun , Norra Stationsgatan 99, Stockholm SE-113 64. Directions to/from NLS venue (Kräftriket campus). (pdf 552 kB) Further enquiries may be directed to .
Social programme
An excursion and conference dinner is planned for Wednesday.
Location and venue
Department of Mathematics, Kräftriket, Stockholm , 7–11 August, 2017.
Email for enquiries: nls2017 [at] .
- Stockholm Mathematics Centre
- Stockholm University, Department of Mathematics and Department of Philosophy
- Prover Technology