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Claudio Procesi: Analytic and combinatorial aspects of the Non Linear Schroedinger equation (NLS) on a torus

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Tid: On 2015-05-20 kl 15.15 - 16.15

Föreläsare: Claudio Procesi, Univ. di Roma, La Sapienza

Plats: Lecture hall Oskar Klein, Alba Nova


14:15-15:00 Precolloquium by Danijela Damjanovic (Room FB51, Albanova)
15:15-16:15 Colloquium lecture by Claudio Procesi (Room Oskar Klein, Albanova)
16:15-17:00 SMC social get together with refreshments


The approach to the NLS on a torus  is usually by perturbation theory  starting from solutions involving some finite set of “excited frequencies”.  These form a finite set of points in a lattice which generate a complicated combinatorial graph  describing  interacting frequencies.  The behaviour of  the solutions depends on the combinatorics of this graph which in turn depends on  the chosen initial points, for generic choices one has quasi periodic solutions  for special choices different types of behaviour.

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