Jean-Baptiste Cadart: Differential Geometry and General Relativity – Why do we do differential geometry?
Tid: To 2025-02-06 kl 15.00 - 17.00
Plats: Mittag-Leffler Room
Medverkande: Jean-Baptiste Cadart (SU/KTH)
General relativity describes our space time as being not flat, but curved. This means that the theory of special relativity (flat/Minkowski space) is not really complete. General relativity is a theory of gravity, showing that gravity is not a force in itself, but that it is just a consequence of the fact that space is curved. One of the consequences is that gravity is not only acting on bodies, but also on objects with no mass, such as light! This way, we can guess that black hole must exist! In this seminar, I will introduce the mathematical tools from differential geometry that are used in physics and give some "pictures" from physics to help mathematicians to have a better feeling about what differential geometry is and what it implies.