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Fredrik Fryklund: The hard work of making something simple, in order to avoid hard work

Time: Fri 2017-09-29 13.15 - 14.15

Location: Room 3418, Lindstedtsvägen 25, 4th floor, Department of Mathematics, KTH

Participating: Fredrik Fryklund, KTH

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I will in an informal manner discuss how to solve certain partial differential equations with boundary integral methods. My focus will be on explaining concepts from numerical analysis and what properties of solution schemes that are desirable. This will be done from the viewpoint of my research project, which focuses on how to numerically extend a given function from the compact domain it is defined on. Numerical function extension gives rise to several interesting question: Why spend computational power on extending a function when solving a PDE? How do we measure the smoothness of the extension? However, the most important question is: that sounds really easy, surely that is a solved problem?