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Random partitions from random graphs

Tid: On 2016-11-30 kl 10.15 - 11.15

Plats: Room 3418, KTH math department

Medverkande: Erik Aas

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Given a graph G with some marked nodes a, b, c, ... we get a
set partition over {a, b, c, ...} according to which of the marked
nodes are in the same connected component in G and which are not. If
we choose G from some probability distribution D, we get in this way a
probability distribution E on these set partitions. The focus of this
talk is the image of the map D -> E where D ranges over all
distributions given by independent bond percolation on undirected
graphs containing a, b, c, .... This image gives a unified way of
thinking about several correlation inequalities for paths in graphs. I
will present some old, some new, and some conjectured such
inequalities from this perspective.