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Tatiana Smirnova-Nagnibeda: Criticality of the Abelian Sandpile Model on self-similar graphs

Tatiana Smirnova-Nagnibeda, Université de Genève

Tid: On 2012-02-01 kl 10.15 - 12.00

Plats: Room 3733, Department of Mathematics, KTH, Lindstedtsvägen 25, 7th floor

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The abelian sandpile model (also known under the name of the chip-firing game on graphs) is a simple combinatorial model of a number of natural and social phenomena obeying to the rules of so-called self-organized criticality. Though there is a lot of physical evidence towards this type of behaviour, mathematical proofs are scarce. In this talk I will describe a family of graphs (coming from approximation of certain fractal sets, as Julia sets of quadratic polynomials) that allow for a rigorous analysis of the abelian sandpile model on them and lead to new examples of critical behaviour. All the notions involved will be explained in the talk.

Tillhör: Stockholms Matematikcentrum
Senast ändrad: 2012-01-18