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Eric Larsson: Outermost apparent horizons with nontrivial topology

Tid: To 2016-11-24 kl 15.15

Plats: Seminar room 3721, Lindstedtsvägen 25.

Medverkande: Eric Larsson

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It is known that there are topological restrictions on which manifolds can appear as outermost apparent horizons (i.e. outermost minimal surfaces) in asymptotically Euclidean manifolds with nonnegative scalar curvature: An outermost apparent horizon must admit a metric of positive scalar curvature. However, it is not known if all bounding manifolds which do admit positive scalar curvature metrics actually can be realized as outermost apparent horizons.

I will describe a construction which produces outermost apparent horizons which are diffeomorphic to unit normal bundles of submanifolds of R^n. For instance, this construction proves that every finitely presented group occurs as the fundamental group of an outermost apparent horizon in 7-dimensional initial data for the vacuum Einstein equations.

This is joint work with Mattias Dahl.