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Eric B Torbrand Dhrif: The Background is Stein-Or there are no extra dimensions in String Theory

Eric B Torbrand Dhrif

Tid: Ti 2011-11-15 kl 15.30

Plats: Institut Mittag Leffler, Auravägen 17, Djursholm

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1) The Background is Stein, or: There are no extra dimensions in String Theory

In this talk we postulate a Stein property for the superstring background. This is shown to imply known results- such as the Maldacena /Holography principle-and also supports computational tricks in standard gauge theory and QFT such as Wick rotations in the machinery of several complex variables and complex geometry.

2) Fundamental Equations in String Physics and QFT

In this part we relate Standard Model gauge theory to both String Physics and Einstein gravity in a extremely simple way for the exact cases. We give an alternate equation of motion for the gravity sector that is shown to be equivalent to Einstein gravity when the vielbein wavefunctions are ligh-like in Fourier space, since the Lagrangean densities then coincide.

As an application of this equation we show that this equation describes isometries very reminicently of Einstein’s original ideas, the implictions for cosmology and the credo for AdS/ hyperbolic properties of the world imbedded in the string background. Also we show as a bonus that the classical limit is exactly the geodesics of the appropriate metric via an appliction of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation.

3) Fundamental Dualities in String Physics and QFT

We show how L2 cohomology of currents over a tensor sheaf/bundle immediately relates world sheets prior to integration over the moduli to
Hilbert(L2) spaces of sections on a complexified analytic 4-fold via L2 Poincare duality, thus motivating a equivlent theory of complex 4-folds to the string description in 10-dimensional space. The Stein property further boils down the theory to real 4-dimensional physics.

Thus, in this setting, we show, using our equation, dualities between gravity, SUGRA , gauge theory and I/II strings.

4) Questions from the Audience.