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Bayesian Phylogenomics Workshop

Tid: Må 2011-12-12 kl 13.15 - 16.30

Plats: Kräftriket, Building 5, Room 21

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13.15 Lars Arvestad (joint work with Joel Sjöstrand and Jens Lagergren).
Modeling lateral gene transfer: theory

13.45 Jens Lagergren (joint work with Joel Sjöstrand and Lars Arvestad).
Modeling lateral gene transfer: implementation


14.45 Bastien Bousseau (joint work with Gergely Szollosi, Laurent Duret, Manolo Gouy, Eric Tannier, Vincent Daubin).
Genome-scale simultaneous inference of species and gene trees

15.15 Fredrik Ronquist (joint work with Sebastian Höhna, John Huelsenbeck).
RevBayes and graphical models in phylogenetics

15.45 Sebastian Höhna
Bayesian phylogenetics using graphical models

16.15 Concluding remarks