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Barbara Gris: Shape analysis through modular large deformations

Tid: Ti 2016-11-29 kl 14.15 - 15.10

Plats: Room 3418, KTH

Medverkande: Barbara Gris, Ecole Normale Superior de Cachan

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In order to study shapes (such as curves for instance), a successfull approach pioneered by d'Arcy Thompson, and developped in LDDMM frameworks, is to study deformations of the ambient space transforming these shapes. I will present the modular approach that we have developed. In this framework deformations are generated thanks to a few user-defined generators, named deformation modules, which generate particular local and interpretable deformations. These deformation modules enable to incorporate constraints in the deformation model and, by combining different simple deformation modules, complex constraints can be generated. I will show how this framework enables to study particular structures in a population of shapes.